little tips and tricks, which i stumbled upon randomly

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

How to move data out of Informatica File Archive to Hadoop using sqoop

Although it seem hard and complicated. Once you discovered correct connection string and driver name getting data out of Informatica file archive with sqoop is pretty simple and straightforward.

Unfortunately due to structure there is no way to specify schema name other than getting data out with --query command

sqoop import --driver com.informatica.fas.jdbc.Driver --connect jdbc:infafas://<server_name>:<port: Default=8500>/<database_name> --username xxxx --password xxxxx -m 1 -delete-target-dir --target-dir <target_dir> --query "SELECT * FROM <schema_name>.<table_name> where \$CONDITIONS" --fields-terminated-by \| --lines-terminated-by \\n  --hive-drop-import-delims

You have to keep "where \$CONDITIONS" even though you do not specify one.

You also need to copy "infafas.jar" to shared library.

Please feel free to ask any questions.


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