little tips and tricks, which i stumbled upon randomly

Friday, March 23, 2012

Goldan Gate - GGS ERROR 160 Bad column index

Unfortunately error  message is not explaining much here.
[Date Time] GGS ERROR       160  Bad column index ([Column Count]) specified for table [Owner].[Table Name], max columns = [Column Count].

But reason and solution is simple, new column(s) are added to source table. Check your table definitions and synchronize table structure.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

iPhone Facebook wifi bağlantı problemi

Özellikle Airties modem kullanıcılarını etkileyen bu sorun aslında modeminizle ilgili.
DNS ayarlarınızı değiştirerek kendi arama motorlarını kullanamızı sağlamaya çalışan, (lüften bu siteleri ziyaret etmeyin.) gibi siteler modem şifrenizin olmamasından yada ön tanımlı şifre olmasından faydalanarak modem ayarlarınızı değiştirmiş durumdalar.
Sorunu çözmek için modeminizin fişi çekin. Modemi birkaç saniye sonra tekrar açabilirsiniz.

Modemi açtıktan sonra erişim şifresini değiştirmeniz sorunun tekrarlanmasını önleyecektir.

iPhone Facebook connection problem over wifi

This bug mainly affects Airties users. There is new trojan which changes DNS setting on your modem to use their search engines. (, are famous ones in Turkey. Please do not visit these web pages.). To be able to fix this issure just power off your modem. After few seconds you can restart it.
Do not forget to set new password for your modem.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

AQT (Advanced Query Tool) non unicode character problem

To be able to correctly display and query non unicode languages such as (Turkish) you should
deselect "Enable Unicode features", "For Oracle, Use UNISTR for Unicode strings" and "For Sybase, use TO_UNICAR for Unicode strings". SQL one too if you need it.

Settings are under "Options > General > Unicode Options"

iTunes video add problem - even they are in correct format

Summary: You have to install quicktime to be able to add videos to iTunes.

Although I fully installed and dig trough all settings the in iTunes I wasn't able to add videos to the library even they are in correct format. After spending long time on iternets. It turned out I just have to install quicktime too.

Although quick time is not that good to watch videos here is the link:

Something crutial about everything

8:29 AM By

I will just try to share tips &Tricks, how to's which are critical and hard to find on iternets