little tips and tricks, which i stumbled upon randomly

Monday, December 3, 2012

How to debug in Sybase IQ

5:47 AM By

Sybase IQ- Debugging

1.1            Defining connection for Sybase Central and connectng to database

Open Sybase Central for Java edition
"Choose Connection Profiles"
Choose "New" to define name & description
Click OK to choose or define ODBC connection
Important: To choose previously defined ODBC connections use
Browse..àShow all data sources .
Double click or choose connect:

1.2           Choosing code to debug and search criteria management

Choose Procedures & Functions
Define filter in SQL like format
You may use settings buton to filter on users
Important: You have to use submit buton to apply search criteria

1.3            Debug mode

Double click on code to open in editor.
Choose dubug button to switch debug mode

 Important: Choose only debug DB user to prevent affecting other users

1.4            Break point tanımlanması ve kodun debug modda çalıştırılması

Click on the left side to define break point

Call procedure using a querry tool