little tips and tricks, which i stumbled upon randomly

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Informatica(9.5.1) Preinstallation Check list

Hi All;

*For Informacitca 9.5.1. Hot fix 2 preistallation check list please click here

This is my Informatica 9.5.1 preinstallation check list for IBM AIX.

  1. Download Informatica software 9.5.1 HF1 for AIX from via Global Customer Support.
  2. Get the correct licence files from Global Customer support
  3. Install Java version 6.
  4. Install JDK 1.6.0 build pap6460sr9fp2-20110627_03(SR9 FP2) exactly.
  5. There are some problems with AIX TAR, Install GNUTAR.
  6. Create User for informatica. (ex: infa, infauser, etluser... etc.)
  7. Set u limit to 16.000 (or unlimited.)
    set ulimit -n to 16000
  8. Create a database user for each Power Designer domain. (ex: INFADOM)
  9. Create a database user for each Power Designer repository. (ex: INFAREP)
  10. Verify that the database users have CONNECT, RESOURCE, and CREATE VIEW privileges.
  11. For Oracle repositories Set the open_cursors parameter to 1000 or higher
  12. If exist, open the following port range: 6000 to 6113 on firewall.
  13. Do not believe curse of 13.
  14. Reserve at least 1GB for Domain and repository database space (both users in the same tablespace)
  15. Reserve at least 30GB file system space for installation on the server