little tips and tricks, which i stumbled upon randomly

Monday, July 27, 2015

Pig: ERROR 1070: Could not resolve org.apache.hcatalog.pig.HCatLoader - [Solved] - CDH 5.4.X+

Hi All;

With new CDH versions class name for HCatalog loader changed. Unfortunately this is not documented clearly.

Just change
org.apache.hcatalog.pig.HCatLoader to org.apache.hive.hcatalog.pig.HCatLoader
in your pig scripts to solve problem.

I hope, you wont waste too much time like me.

PS: You still need to specify hive-site.xml

Monday, July 13, 2015

Datameer upgrade guide - Step by step instructions

Here is a list of instructions to upgrade Datameer. 
It is basically unzip the new Datameer version into a new folder and copy over several files to the new version. Then you run a script that upgrades HSQLDB. 

Step 0: Save all Datameer setting (Administration --> Hadoop Cluster 
Save all configurations, connection strings and especially the YARN settings. 

Step 1: Stop Datameer
/<datameer installation path>/<Datameer Application Folder>/bin/ stop

Step 2: Backup Datameer directory just in case

Step 3: Unzip new Datameer version
/<datameer installation path>/<New Datameer Application Folder>

Step 4: Give groups and user rights to new datameer folder similar to old one

Step 5: Adjust Xmx memory settings in to match old settings
/<datameer installation path>/<New Datameer Application Folder>/etc/

Step 6: Copy the files from the das-data folder of the old distribution to the new location.
cp -r /<old-location>/das-data /<new-location>/

Step 7: Copy over the native libraries that you have added to Datameer (if this applies)
cp -r /<old-location>/lib/native/* /<new-location>/lib/native/

Step 8: Copy over files from etc/custom-jars (these files could be database drivers or 3rd party libraries).
cp -r <old-location>/etc/custom-jars /<new-location>/

Step 9: Copy Datameer Plugins
cp -r <old-location>/etc/custom-pluginss /<new-location>/

Step 10: Upgrade HSQLDB:
<new location>/bin/ --old-das-data /<old-location>/das-data --new-das-data /<new-location>/das-data

For official instructions you can also visit